Sunday, July 24, 2016

Plein Air Painting

I attended Plein Air South's first annual event in May in Apalachicola. It was a wonderful 4 day event of artist presentations, demonstrations, instructions and outdoor painting. One day a lot of artists gathered at Mill Pond and painted shrimp boats. My friend Sylvia and I decided to set up our easels beside all those professional artists and do our own painting. I was able to complete my 8 X 10 in a few hours. When I got back home I used this study and painted my boats on a 30 X 24 canvas. I thoroughly enjoyed my entire PleinAir experience and can't wait to get out more often!

My Second Collector

I have now sold another painting to a second collector! I painted this painting while on the deck of my friend Pam's Beach House.   One of her guests, Debra, saw me painting this and said "i want to buy that one!" So I took it home and put on the final touches and framed it. Debra is happy with her purchase and I am ecstatic!