Monday, January 2, 2017

Day Two 01/02/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"

Today I am working on the color Cadmium Lemon from Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil Colour.  It is made in France. The pigment is PY35.  It is expensive, a Series 4, about $25 for a small 37ml tube. This is an opaque cool yellow color. The value of this hue right out of the tube is approximately 8.5. (Using the value scale where 10 is white.) The chroma is about 10, which is considered high.  It is also considered permanent with a Permanence Rating of A.

I am working on my Color Charts. So today, I took my Cadmium Lemon (CL) and placed it by itself in the first square, and then tinted it with Titanium White for 4 values below the top square.  (On these charts you first work down the page, then move across to the next color. ) Next, in the second column, I mixed my Cadmium Lemon (CL) with all my other individual colors in a ratio of 75% Cadmium Lemon (CL) and 25% of the next color, like Cadmium Yellow (CY).  Then I added Titanium White to this mixture for 4 additional values. I did this with all the other 21 colors since I selected 22 colors to chart out. This took about 3-4 hours! per chart!!

This exercise is quite extensive and time consuming.  But I have heard from many professional artists that "doing the color charts" is very important in growing as an artist.  And I want to grow and improve, so this is what I have chosen to do for the month of January.

Hope you enjoy this exercise with me!  Comments are welcome!

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