Sunday, January 1, 2017

Day One 01/01/17 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days 2017

Here we go again! I signed up for "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days" for third time! I am excited for this opportunity and what I will learn!!

This time I am doing Color Charts. The ones Richard Schmid recommends in his book Alla Prima. However my color selections will be different, they will be my palette, not his.

I have 22 colors I am going to be working with to complete this task. One day I will get it down to 11 like Richard recommended, but for now, it is 22.

My process:

I ordered my color charts from Randall McClure at a couple of weeks ago.
He was very helpful in the ordering process. His phone number is 843-693-7000.
The boards have spaces for 11 colors. They have an adhesive grid on them to save you from the hassle of measuring and taping the boards yourself.
Because I chose twice as many colors, 22 and not 11,  I had to order two chart/panel boards for each color.
They run about $100 per kit. The kit includes 11 boards, a palette knife that is perfect in size to mix your colors, two clamps and two push pins to use if you hang your panel on the wall to dry. It also includes fantastic directions on how to do these charts and recommendations for color choices.  I love these charts!

Next I selected my palette. This took time. I took all all my blues, yellows and reds in all the different brands I have collected over the past 4 years and selected a warm and a cool of each primary. I then selected a few secondary colors then a few convenient colors. I tinted all these colors with Titanium white to assess their tinting strength. I also checked out the consistency of the paint and then picked the ones I liked best.

This is my selection.

On my first two boards, I simply tinted each individual color selection using Titanium White for a total of 5 values. No medium was used. After I completed this I peeled away the "mask" and two beautiful color panels appeared!! It was like magic!! I love these charts! I can't wait to start on each individual color.

I hope you found this helpful. Thanks for viewing my blog! Hope you return to see my progress!

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