Saturday, January 21, 2017

Day Twenty One 01/21/17 "Thirty Paintings in 30 Days"

Today's color for the Color Chart Project is Rembrandt's Transparent Oxide Red.  It contains the pigment Red Iron Oxide, PR101.  It is an synthetic earth pigment that is warm and transparent.  It is lightfast and permanent.  It is a Series 3 paint, and is a bit expensive, about $25-30 for a 40ml tube.

This is one of my favorite paints!  It makes a great first underpainting layer, it is great to sketch with, it makes wonderful browns and earth tones and terra cotta colors, it is great for skin tones and for shadows!!

In doing today's charts, I took the Transparent Oxide Red (TOR) and place it by itself in the first top square.  I then tinted it by adding Titanium White for 4 additional values below this top square.
Next, in the second column, I mixed the TOR with all my other individual colors in a ratio of 75% TOR and 25% of the next color, like Terra Rosa (TR).  I then added White to this mixture for 4 additional values.  I did this with all my 21 colors.

I hope you are enjoying my project!  I just have two more colors!!